Welcome To The
joy revolution
joy revolution
Become the happiest person you know.
Let’s be real, we all are in the pursuit of happiness. If we aren’t careful, we might end up chasing it our whole lives, without ever truly living it.
Happiness can’t be found at the end of your never ending to-do list, your future soul mate that will magically meet all your needs and cure your emptiness, your future “safe, stable and consistent job”.
Happiness doesn’t exist based out of putting yourself last, doing things you don’t really want to do and hoping this will reciprocate *someday*.
Let me support you in reclaiming joy for yourself today and everyday.
The world is desperate for a more joyful YOU.
Being your best, most joyful self has a powerful positive effect on the world around you.
Everything starts to change when you start to change your state.
Hi there, I’m Grace
I deeply believe that our true nature as human beings is to be joyful. I deeply believe that every single one of us has the capacity and potential to experience authentic, abundant joy, love and true fulfillment.
I believe that life is meant to be lived fully, that life really can be true and beautiful. I refuse to settle for a life that is mediocre and so do my clients.
Working with me is super focused and brain-based, ridiculously fun, incredibly effective and deeply transformative. Get ready for lots of cheesy puns, maybe an f-bomb here or there, dancing, celebrating, breakthroughs, and best of all get ready to completely revolutionize the way that you experience joy in your life.
Ready for more joy, get started by booking your complementary consultation
Ready for more joy, right now? Sign up to receive a free 10 minute guided meditation which is guaranteed to shift your envergy into joy, happiness and positive emotional states.

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