the joy revoution
Hi, I’m Grace Fisher
I’m a registered mental health nurse turned entrepreneur on a soul-based mission to empower others to create and experience authentic JOY & HAPPINESS that lasts.
I deeply believe that our true nature as human beings is to be joyful. I deeply believe that every single one of us has the capacity and potential to experience authentic, abundant joy, love and true fulfillment.
I believe that life is meant to be lived fully, that life really can be true and beautiful. I refuse to settle for a life that is mediocre and so do my clients.
I believe in a world where people are primarily loving, kind, passionate, optimistic and genuinely happy. Take a moment to consider how different our world could be if we were all tapped in to our unique truth and unapologetically living and doing exactly what makes us feel great. Pretty amazing right? I think so too.
I’ve always been an exceptionally joyful person. Kind, welcoming, positive, optimistic, ebullient and ‘the human version of sunshine’ are some of the ways others describe me. I recently looked back at a journal entry I made 6 years back where I had written “I just want to make people so happy that they have to dance”
I’m finally harnessing all of that passion for spreading joy and creating a movement.
I’m calling it the #joyrevolution.
Are you with me?
My Story
Incase you were wondering why I’m qualified to teach about JOY.
15 years ago I lost my mom in a car accident and sustained life threatening injuries of my own. I had to grow up pretty fast as the oldest of 3 younger sisters under the age of 7 and quickly learned to appreciate what it means to be resilient. Somewhere in all of that hardship I picked up the belief and the faith that everything happens for a reason which evolved into “everything is happening FOR me not TO me” and it’s allowed me to maintain happiness and appreciation for just about everything in life. Why’s this important? Because if I can figure it out, I’m certain that my clients can too.
Growing up in a later very toxic and psychologically unsafe family dynamic/environment, I learned (& mastered) the ability to empathize with others, deeply understand “why people behave the way they do” and most importantly how to choose happiness even when our circumstances give us so many valid reasons to be miserable. I learned how to cope by using joy, relentlessly seek out and celebrate positives and most importantly how to self-regulate and lead with enthusiasm and optimism. I learned how to “rinse & repeat” these skills to just about any situation and before I knew it, I had trained my brain to be happy.
Key word: I learned which absolutely means that you can too.
Flash forward a few years to my own version of a quarter-life crisis. I had just finished nursing school – got my diploma, passed my licence exam, made the dean’s list and was still just as obsessed with nursing as I was on day one. I was completely convinced that I had found my calling, that nursing was my true purpose, that I would be this happy, passionate and inspired FO’ LIFE so long as I was doing something nursing-related. Without even realizing it, I had done the thing that soooo many people do – wrapped up my happiness to be dependent on somethingoutside of myself and placed it inside of a profession, an identity and inside of achievement.
This hit really hard when life caught up with me and I spent 8 months looking for a job in my field. I went into a mild depression, couch surfed for a few months, shopped an unhealthy amount & gained a large amount of weight in a short period of time. I didn’t know who I was if I wasn’t doing something nursing-related. My joy was so dependent on something external that when it was no longer there, I was forced to ask myself some deeper questions such as “What makes me happy outside of nursing? Who am I if I’m not studying, teaching, achieving or providing care?”
………. crickets.
I had to completely figure this out for myself from scratch and it was super challenging and confusing. I tried a lot of the things that I thought people my age “should like or enjoy”, nothing stuck, nothing made me feel as passionate and lit up as nursing did. Months of this went by and I eventually found a nursing job, which surely did not meet my expectation of white fire passion, joy and fulfillment (shocker).
Back to the drawing board of questions I had about what makes me happy?- I had truly never stopped to ask.
Eventually I found the answers to the questions I was asking and they were not what I expected. My joy existed in a lot of different things, most of which I had left behind in childhood.
I started dancing again, singing again, I discovered yoga and spirituality and started learning new things. I started to notice that there were certain people who added to my energy, and certain people who would drain it. I paid attention to the things I could control and started to let go of the things I could not.
Before I knew it, I had a whole reservoir of things that credibly brought me true joy, a new awareness that allowed me to chose happiness and the ability to deeply impact others simply by holding a happy energy.
The real magic? I knew how to create happiness from within instead of searching for it in things outside of myself. I am so inspired and determined to help you do the same.
Recently, it’s been clear to me that a huge part of my happiness comes from being of service to others and really making a lasting impact on people’s lives. It’s why I became a nurse, specifically went into the mental health field and why I’m hell bent on reaching more people by starting a coaching practice of my own. I’m obsessed with looking at situations holistically, seeking out & healing root causes rather than symptoms, the mind body connection and especially thought patterns and the powerful effect they have on our lives. I’ve naturally been coaching for years with an infectious positive attitude, unshakeable belief in my clients potential and the proven ability to get people results-fast.
Working with me is super focused and brain-based, ridiculously fun, incredibly effective and deeply transformative. Get ready for lots of cheesy puns, maybe an f-bomb here or there, dancing, celebrating, breakthroughs, and best of all get ready to completely revolutionize the way that you experience joy in your life.
Ready to get started? You can book your 1 hour consultation
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