Work With Me
Work With Me
You’ve been lied to about what it takes to be happy.
Somewhere along the way we picked up the beliefs that happiness is a limited emotion that we should only let ourselves feel AFTER all the work is done, once everyone else is happy & taken care of, once we have accomplished a big goal or after our negative circumstances have changed.
We were taught that experiencing joy isn’t productive or effective, that it can’t be trusted and if we do ever find it, it probably won’t last anyways… so what’s the point?
Buying into these beliefs sends us into an insidious “someday” mindset that keeps us grabbing for temporary band-aid fixes on our endless search for real joy. This looks like seeking happiness (or a quick dopamine hit) in the bottom of a fancy, overpriced cocktail drink, endlessly scrolling through instagram, another new pair of shoes, bingeing Netflix, a take-out meal or another night out partying which never makes you feel any better for more than just a few hours at best.
Happiness can’t be found at the end of your never ending to-do list, your future soul mate that will magically meet all your needs and cure your emptiness, your future “safe, stable and consistent job”. Happiness doesn’t exist based out of putting yourself last, doing things you don’t really want to do and hoping this will reciprocate *someday*. You won’t find happiness inside of overworking, overstraining, over-giving or putting others needs ahead of yours either.
The point is you’ve been taught wrong! Society has it all backwards. & I am here to call it out.
The truth? Your true happiness is not FOUND, it is CREATED from within YOU and it is unique to each and every person. When we understand that joy is created not acquired, we start to realize that we can approach happiness as a skillset that we can build, instead of something we aimlessly chase and hope for *someday*.
That’s Where our Work Together Comes In:
By the end of our time together you will have mastered the skill that is your own happiness. Yes, it is a SKILL. Just like any skill, we must learn, practice, execute, fail, practice, learn and repeat. Learning to claim joy, optimism, positivity for yourself is a critical skill-set that will allow you to:
Get really clear, honest and unapologetic about what lights you up
Be genuinely excited & passionate about each and every day
Stop taking life and yourself so seriously
Choose to see the positivity in everyone and everything
Be really confident, passionate and so deeply grateful to be living in such a lit up & turned on way
Feel really good positive emotions on auto pilot (without conscious thought… easily and naturally!)
Enjoy the journey towards your goals while having a whole lot of fun along the way
Naturally create time for more fun and play … the things that make you your best self
Attract more love, fun, ease, money, support and inspiration into your life
Fully appreciate everything and everyone around you
Make others feel happy just by being around you & your joy
Be WAY kinder to yourself and others
Prioritize joy in your day to day life instead of saving it for “someday once you’ve earned it” Experience deep, unbound, passionate, zest for life “for no reason” kind of happy that is abundant, contagious and only ever an intentional thought away
Trust your positive joyful energy and use it strategically as your super power
Stay connected by following the #joyrevolution
Our Work Together Will Look Like This:
A personalized joy activation program to help shift your energy from negativity into joy each day,
especially when you need it most.
Unlearning Your Current Beliefs about Joy
Happiness is a choice and is only ever an intentional thought away. We work together to dismantle all of the thoughts and stored emotions you might have that are holding you back from feeling really freaking happy. Then we replace them with thoughts that make you feel GREAT. We do this strategically and repetitively to make sure they stick and keep you thinking, feeling, acting and being joyful without having to force yourself to “be positive”.
A lot of our joyful, potential energy is drained from having poor personal boundaries. We work together to seal up your energy leaks by addressing people pleasing, codependency and establishing healthy boundaries. We work to heal the self-abandoning tendencies and put your needs, desires and feel good emotions at the top of your priority list so that you can show up in the world as your very best self.
Making Joy your New Normal
A key part of any transformation is your ability to put your knowledge into action. We aren’t going to become happy all of a sudden by logically understanding what it’s all about. If this was the case, wouldn’t you have already done that by now? We have to practice what we preach and put it into motion. We will work together to explore the unique ways that you can pencil in time for you to devote to FEELING GOOD. This will look really different from person to person. We will do a deep dive to make sure that your chosen “tool box” of activities always leaves you feeling like a happier, more positive person than you were when you started.
Getting to Know your Authentic Self
Becoming your most joyful self is going to cost the old version of you. When your vibration starts raising while you learn to master the skill of your own joy, you will start to have a different relationship with yourself and the world around you. You will start to get really clear on what makes you happy and what does not. This can be difficult and confusing sometimes, so I am here to support you through these inevitable changes. We work together to cultivate self-love and compassion, harness intuition and lock in your high vibrational super powers so that you can honour the truest most authentic version of you.
The investment made into your own joy allows for 3 months of weekly sessions with direct access to me with Voxer supports in between.
The next step is a 1 hour consultation where we determine whether working together is a good fit. You claim your spot here;
I can’t wait to see the kind of joy you create for yourself and the world around you. See you inside the #JoyRevolution

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